Maximize your laboratory performance by optimizing method development or purification.
工程概述: 230 kV GIS与现有空气绝缘变电站接地系统共享接地的优化方法研究。
Project Outline: Study of the optimal method to ground a 230 kV GIS to the grounding system of an existing air-insulated substation.
Secondly, the optimization method used might not be guaranteed to converge when far away from a local minimum.
As a stochastic optimization method, the genetic algorithm has a certain probability for extreme feasible solution.
Aiming at the wide-area distributed video surveillance systems, a tracking optimization method based on multi-camera fusion is proposed.
Simulation results show that this optimization method is efficient for selecting ANNs structures.
掉进通过集成 GPU 寻找完美标准化 CPU 优化方法的"兔子洞 ", 只会让人心烦意乱,但完全没有必要。
Going down the rabbit hole of finding the perfect standardized optimization method for CPUs with integrated GPUs has become a distraction, but it doesn't have to.